with Grey Matter Response E!

During the 1980s Grey Matter Response built the E! board for the Yamaha DX7 family of synthesizers. Starting with version 1.0 the E! increased the number of internal voices and improved MIDI implementation. Version 2.0 added the capability to tune any key to any pitch with >1/3 cent accuracy.

Version 1.1 has three pages:
1. The Function Page
2. The MIDI Page
3. The Memory Page

Version 2.0 has five pages:
1. The Function Page
2. The MIDI Page
3. The Memory Page
4. The Scales Page
5. The Keyboard Page

To get a 72 note equal temperament on a DX7 equipped with an E!, each note has to be tuned to the following table:

C = 0000/4096
C +16.6 = .0057
C#-66.6= .0114
C#-50¢ = .0171
C#-33¢ = .0228
C#-16.6 = .0284

C# = 341.3 = .0341
C# +16.6 = .0398
D-66.6 = .0455
D-50¢ = .0512
D-33.3 = .0569
C#+16.6 = 0.626

D = .0683
D+16.6 = 0.740
Eb-66.6 = .0796
Eb-50¢ = .0853
Eb-33.3 = .0910
Eb-16.6 = .0967

300¢/Eb = 1024
Eb+16.6 = .1081
E-66.666¢ = .1138
E-50¢ = .1195
E-33.3¢ = .1252
E-16.6¢ = 1308

E = .1365
E+16.6¢ = .1422
F-66.6¢ = .1479
F-50¢ = .1536
F-33.3¢ = .1593
F-16.6¢ = .1650

F = .1707
F+16.6¢ = .1764
F#-66.6¢ = .1820
F#-50¢ = .1877
F#-33.3¢ = .1934
F#-16.6¢ = .1991

F# = .2048
F#+16.6 = .2105
G-66.6¢ = .2162
G-50¢ = .2219
G-33.3¢ = .2276
G-16.6¢ = .2332

G = .2389
G+16.6¢ = .2446
G#-66.6¢ = .2503
G#-50¢ = .2560
G#-33.3¢ = .2617
G#-16.6¢ = .2674

G# = .2731
G#+16.6 = .2788
A-66.6¢ = .2844
A-50¢ = .2901
A-33.3¢ = .2958
A-16.6¢ = .3015

A = 3072
A+16.6¢ = .3129
Bb-66.6¢ = .3186
Bb-50¢ = .3243
Bb-33.3¢ = .3300
Bb-16.6¢ = .3356

Bb = .3413
Bb+16.6¢ = .3470
B-66.6¢ = .3527
B-50¢ = 3584
B-33.3¢ = .3641
B-16.6¢ = .3698

B = .3755
B+16.6¢ = .3812
C -66.6¢ = .3868
C-50¢ = .3925
C-33.3¢ = .3982
C-16.6¢ = 4039

After tuning each note it is possible to save the tuning by changing the RAM format to "scale mode" (button 20) and turning OFF the INTERNAL MEMORY PROTECT. Pressing STORE button while in the Scales Page, store the scale into any or all of the sixteen slots provided (buttons 17-32). Note that if you store your scale as "Scale 1" (button 17) everytime you turn off and on your DX7 this scale will sound.

More convenient is the ± semitone TUNING ADJUST button number 1 in the KEYBOARD PAGE. Here a semitone equals a numeric value 64. Therefore each increment equals 18.75¢.

NOTE: E! is no longer manufactured by GREY MATTER RESPONSE.

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April 21, 2003